Peter writes and thanks God for our new birth in Jesus that the prophets had all pointed to, therefore live holy not giving into evil desires of old nature.
2 - Holy
Believers have tasted God's goodness, Jesus is this cornerstone, live holy and don't conform to the evil in the unbelieving world all around.
3 - Submission
Submit to appointed authorities, be gentle and kind, do good waiting patiently for God's return like Noah.
4 - Suffering
4 - Suffering
In these end times (after Christ's appearance), love one another, don't live for evil desires, rejoice in suffering for Christ, for all will be judged righteously.
5 - Humble
4 - Suffering
5 - Humble
Elders should be alert and lead as examples like loving shepherds, resisting evil, serving humbly before God whom will reward in the kingdom.
1 - Eyewitnesses
Believers are to be diligent and progress in their faith in Jesus, apostles are eyewitnesses must be followed as God's supernatural prophetic word.
2 - Falsehood
False prophets will arise who deny Jesus they will face God's judgment as evil doers from Noah's time through present , don't be entangled by this world after having the true knowledge of Jesus.
3 - Judgment
Peter reminds that the day of the Lord is coming, mockers will be judged, God will make a new earth where righteousness reigns, be on guard and spotless.
1 Peter - Submission
1 Peter - Submission
Peter instructs Jewish remnant believers to submit to God-established Gentile authority, without adopting their sinful practices, waiting for the return of Christ to rule.
1 John - Children
1 Peter - Submission
1 John - Children
John argues that only those who believe in Jesus are righteous and the true children of God, others are claiming to be children of God but deny Jesus is the Christ and are therefore still in their sin.