Paul writes to Timothy and instructs him to teach correctly from the Law and to teach Jesus who saves sinners, Timothy is to "fight the good fight".
2 - Pray
3 - Overseers
1- Fight
Pray earnestly to God for He wants all men to be saved, women should dress properly and modestly, receive instruction and not teach.
3 - Overseers
3 - Overseers
Overseers must be above reproach peacable sober and a good family manager, deacons must be dignified honest with only one wife.
4 - Apostasy
Some will fall away from the faith being deceived by demonic doctrines, nurish, prescribe and teach carefully the words of the truth of Jesus Christ.
5 - Widows
Young widows should remarry, pious older widows and teaching elders should be cared for by the church, sins need to be properly addressed.
6 - Money
Slaves should honor their masters, be content with what you have, don't pursue the riches of this world, fight to hold on to the truth of Jesus.
2 Timothy - Faithfulness - Bible Summary with Art
1 - Guard
2 - Strong
Paul writes Timothy to exhort him to rekindle his work and to proudly pronounce Jesus and guard his entrusted treasure (faith & gospel).
2 - Strong
2 - Strong
Therefore be strong and endure the hardships with Paul for Jesus, rightly handle God's word and flee youthful lusts and avoid foolish conflicts.
3 - Difficulties
Difficulties will come in the last days avoid wicked men, follow my (Paul's) teachings, know the scriptures for all scripture is God inspired all who live for Jesus will be persecuted.
4 - Sound
1 Timothy - Guard (Previous Book)
Paul exhorts Timothy to preach and cling to sound doctrine not popular trends, Paul has kept the faith to be killed soon, so Timothy needs to bring his coat and papers.
1 Timothy - Guard (Previous Book)
1 Timothy - Guard (Previous Book)
1 Timothy - Guard (Previous Book)
Paul urges Timothy to guard the apostolic doctrine (imputed righteousness / holy living) and to teach it to others, countering false teachers who oppose based on self elevation under the Law misinterpreted.
Titus - Appoint (Next Book)
1 Timothy - Guard (Previous Book)
1 Timothy - Guard (Previous Book)
Paul instructs Titus how to appoint those who will teach the doctrine of imputed purity in Christ opposing Judaizers who advocate keeping of the Law for purity and are teaching this to the church