God speaks to Moses and tells him details regarding choosing animals for sacrifice, unblemished male bull sheep or dove, they are to be a soothing aroma to the Lord.
2 - Grain
1 - Offering
1 - Offering
The proper ways to present the grain offerings to the Lord are spelled out, including exclusion of leaven and addition of salt.
3 - Peace
1 - Offering
4 - Unintentional
Details of how to prepare a peace offering are laid out, including laying hands on the animal before slaughter and how and which organs are presented.
4 - Unintentional
4 - Unintentional
How to handle sin offerings is presented including unintentional sins and sins of the whole congregation of Israel including what to do with the blood and the fat.
5 - Sin
The guilt offering is differentiated from the sin offering and different levels of sacrifice are detailed for bulls, goats, doves or grain depending on financial means.
6 - Guilt
The guilt offering is for when someone steals or cheats and becomes guilty, he is to restore the property with extra, also details of perpetual burning and cleaning and eating instructions are explained.
7 - Priests
This chapter details the priests involvement in the offering what, when, and how they are to eat or not eat, and how to properly handle everything.
8 - Consecration
Moses goes through a consecration ceremony for Aaron and his sons separating them as priests.
9 - Action
Aaron offered sacrifices in accordance to what was commanded in front of the congregation, he lifted up his hands, blessed the people, they shouted and fell on there faces
10 - Fire
Two sons of Aaron offered strange fire not commanded before God and die, God requires no wine or drink in tabernacle and Moses responds accordingly with disposal of bodies and sin sacrifices.
11 - Diet
Distinctions are made regarding animals, birds, water creatures, bugs what is clean and unclean for food for God says "you shall be holy for I am holy".
12 - Woman
Women during menstrual periods and after birth are unclean different process of purification are required whether she gives birth to a boy or girl.
13 - Leprosy
The priest is to determine whether different varieties of skin conditions and colors are leprosy and therefore unclean and then how to handle involved clothing, and then he can declare the person clean again.
14 - Cleansing
If a leper is declared clean by the priest there is to be a sacrifice and his house is to be inspected and also declared clean by the priest.
15 - Discharges
15 - Discharges
Bodily discharges of a variety of kinds are unclean for both men and women and need to be handled appropriately including how to handle exposed cloths, saddles, and earthenware.
16 - Holiest
18 - Immorality
15 - Discharges
The holy place inside the veil is to be handled different than elsewhere including clothing sacrifices and an annual atonement ceremony attended by only the high priest.
17 - Blood
18 - Immorality
18 - Immorality
Any animal sacrificed outside the camp not in the manner God prescribes is a grave sin of the people and that person is to be cut off, the blood of the animal is not to be eaten.
18 - Immorality
18 - Immorality
18 - Immorality
Sexual morality is defined, incest is defined and forbidden, homosexuality and bestiality are both abomination and partakers are to be killed to keep the land from being defiled.
19 - Laws
20 - Capital
Idolatry is forbidden, you are to be honest straightforward in business, respectful to elderly, love neighbors and strangers, shun harlotry, and never see mediums.
20 - Capital
20 - Capital
Anyone who sacrifices humans to Molech, adulterers, those who curse parents, and both man and animal in bestial relations are to be killed, you are to be different (holy) than other nations.
21 - Priests
22 - Flawless
Priests are to look and act differently with regard to hair and clothes , they are to marry virgins, priests are not to be blemished.
22 - Flawless
22 - Flawless
22 - Flawless
Holiness (difference or separation) is to accompany the priestly line, details including marriage of offspring and eating bread and flesh, and flawless animals for sacrifice are explained.
23 - Feasts
22 - Flawless
23 - Feasts
From now on every year feasts are to occur: passover feast, a feast of unleaven bread, a feast of first fruits, and a feast of atonement are all holy convocations, specific days appointed by God.
24 - Bread
22 - Flawless
23 - Feasts
The lamp in the tabernacle and special bread are to be prepared perpetually, a man who curses God is to be stoned, personal injury justice shall be an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
25 - Jubilee
26 - Obedience
26 - Obedience
Every seventh year is a year of rest for the land and every seven sabbatical years is the year of Jubilee, here property rights change including freedom for slaves and servants, the land is God's.
26 - Obedience
26 - Obedience
26 - Obedience
If the people obey the ordinances of God they will be blessed with rain and prosperity if they disobey, God will punish them sevenfold with famine, wild animals and their enemies.
27 - Valuation
26 - Obedience
The rules of valuation about all people, animal, and property are spelled out, and rules about consecration of houses, fields and animals include a tithe.
Exodus - Moses (previous book)
Abraham's family has grown into the nation Israel as promised, God selects Moses to free them from the bondage in Egypt and reveals his character to them in the law, God guides and provides for them.
Numbers - Fear (next book)
Numbers - Fear (next book)
This generation of Israel (except for a few) fear the enemies of the land more than God who gave them the land, so God punishes them in love by numbering their days in the wilderness, he will bring their children into the land.
Numbers - Fear (next book)
John 1:29b “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!