East of the river Jordan Moses recounts the disobedience, fears and history of the previous generation as this generation prepares to enter the land God promised.
2 - Encounters
2 - Encounters
2 - Encounters
The history of the people's wanderings is continued with emphasis on encounters with different nation groups, most were passed through without incident.
3 - Forbidden
2 - Encounters
3 - Forbidden
Other kings and peoples were to be utterly destroyed based on God's word, Moses is forbidden to enter the land, Joshua is appointed as the next leader.
4 - Observe
4 - Observe
3 - Forbidden
Israel is commanded to carefully, completely, and utterly observe all God's law now revealed with many miracles seen and to be seen, idolatry is forbidden.
5 - Hear
4 - Observe
5 - Hear
Hear, Israel, and obey the ten commandments which are recounted as given from the mountain of fire, the fearful people request Moses to intercede for them.
6 - Love
4 - Observe
5 - Hear
The love of God is to be the heart of the people, they are to live every aspect of life out of love for God, they are to fear God and remember all He has done for them.
7 - Nations
The Lord will deliver the nations in the land to Israel, never think it is because we are better only because of God's faithfulness to His promise, fear God not the nations.
8 - Bread
Observe all the commands of God, never be proud of your future prosperity and forget God provides, if you follow other gods, God will destroy you.
9 - Stiffed-neck
Israel is warned to never equate success with their own righteousness, disobedience at Kedesh Barnea and the golden calf are recalled and Moses' many intercessions to save the people.
10 - Fear
Moses recalls the history of the tablets, the heavens and all of the earth are God's, therefore fear God and obey him.
11 - Eyewitnesses
Moses reminds them of the many miracles they saw, therefore carefully observe all these commandments for blessings or neglect them for curses.
12 - Worship
God is only to be worshiped where and how He says never haphazardly, God will choose a place in the land once you cross Jordan, God will deliver enemy inhabitants
13 - Testing
Inciting others to worship other gods is a grave offense and requires death even within one's own family, God's people must worship God only in His prescribed manner.
14 - Tithes
You are a holy set apart people, clean and unclean animals are recounted, yearly tithes are to be set aside and these help aliens, orphans, and widows.
15 - Generosity
15 - Generosity
God will bless you so be generous loaning to poor, every 70 years debts are to be cancelled and servants freed, unblemished firstborn males are to be set aside for God.
16 - Festivals
15 - Generosity
Passover, the festivals of weeks, and tabernacles are to be observed annually, appointed judges are to judge the people fairly
17 - Court
Two or three witnesses are required for capital offenses, the Levitical priests are to judge difficult cases, allow God's choice of humble kings who observe the law.
18 - Prophet
Levitical priests are to receive inheritance of food and first fruits, any occult act is forbidden, a prophet will arise who must be followed, all inaccurate (therefore false) prophets are to be killed.
19 - Malice
19 - Malice
19 - Malice
There are to be three cities of refuge where manslayers without malice can flee, two or more witnesses are required and they must be without malicious intent.
20 - Fear
19 - Malice
19 - Malice
Fear God in battle not the enemies, engaged men and new home or vineyard owners are exempt from battle, peace agreements can be made with some enemies in a specific manner.
21- Bodies
19 - Malice
22 - Virginity
Unknown dead bodies require animal sacrifices, the lawful way to handle captured women and inheritance rules if you have multiple wives, no body is to hang overnight on tree.
22 - Virginity
22 - Virginity
22 - Virginity
You can't neglect your neighbors property, no cross-dressing, morality laws relating to virginity, engagement, marriage and adultery.
23 - Holiness
22 - Virginity
23 - Holiness
Certain people are excluded from entering the assembly of the Lord, laws regarding holiness in war time, camp, collecting interest, neighbors and food.
24 - Orphans
22 - Virginity
23 - Holiness
A divorced woman who remarries another cannot return to first man, laws are to be just without bribes or prejudice protecting orphans, widows and aliens.
25 - Kinsmen
Details of justice are disclosed to judge fairly and honestly, the kinsmen redeemer law is detailed to respect potential for seed in families.
26 - Firstfruits
Firstfruits and tithes are to be given to the Levites (God), always remembering how God delivered, obey God's commands and Israel will be honored over other nations.
27 - Curses
Moses commands that an altar of uncut stones be built at mount Ebal to remember God, several sins are prohibited with a curse.
28 - Warning
Blessings for obeidience include wealth food and conquest over enemies; cursings for disobedience include famine distress and defeat.
29 - Remember
Moses reminds all the people of God's past interventions and looking forward to always connect prosperity and calamity to God's covenant.
30 - Return
Whenever Israel comes to their senses and returns to God He will always receive them, God offers life for following Him or death for following other gods.
Moses appoints Joshua to succeed him, he commands perpetual reading of the law, he foresees that Israel will fail and rebel.
32- Song
31 - Fail
This is Moses' song which summarizes in poetic verse God's dealings with Israel past and present, including future reconciliation.
33 - Blessings
33 - Blessings
Moses (the man of God) goes through all twelve tribes and pronounces different blessings on each of them.
34 - Nebo
33 - Blessings
God takes Moses the prophet who knew God face to face to the top of Mount Nebo before his death to show him the land.
Numbers - Fear (previous book)
Numbers - Fear (previous book)
This generation of Israel (except for a few) fear the enemies of the land more than God who gave them the land , so God punishes them in love by numbering their days in the wilderness, he will bring their children into the land.
Joshua - Conquerer (next book)
Numbers - Fear (previous book)
Joshua is God's representative to rule the land by conquering, they are to follow God's unique guidance, not common military tactics so the people know to fear God over their enemies.
Matthew 4:4 "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of God’s mouth"