Righteous Job is introduced, God then grants Satan's request to touch Job's family and possesions, soon Job looses family and possessions and worships God without sin.
2 - Pain
3 - Lament
2 - Pain
God grants Satan's request to touch Job's health, and Job is covered in painful boils, his wife instructs Job to curse God, three friends are introduced.
3 - Lament
3 - Lament
Job composes a lament poem that expresses darkness turmoil and anguish and his desire to have never been born.
4 - Eliphaz
Eliphaz (one of Job's 3 friends) answers Job's in a poem he recites after a nightmare , he reasons that the innocent don't suffer and that there is no way to know if one is just before God.
5 - Nightmare
The poem of Eliphaz continues encouraging Job to plea before God, he praises some truths of God's character including God's justice references to Leviticus (wild animals).
6 - Response
Job responds and clings to his love and fear of a holy God but finds no comfort or help from his friends, as he is right before God.
7 - Dust
8 - Bildad
Job recites a poem recognizing the painful futility of life as a mere breath or short lived cloud formation until return to dust (Genesis 3).
8 - Bildad
8 - Bildad
Bildad responds poetically claiming to know God's ways and implores Job to examine all possibility of sin for himself and others to determine why this happened.
9 - Mercy
Job responds that no one has the right to question God or even stand in his presence, he sees his only hope is to beg for mercy
10 - Sorrow
Job reflects with questions in sorrow of how God is dealing with him, " Why then did You bring me out of the womb? ".
11 - Zophar
Zophar responds in an attempt to speak for God and tells Job that if he directs his heart rightly his life would be brighter than noon day.
12 - Animals
Job responds saying the animals, the earth and nations are all good teachers of God's power and might, God "reveals mysteries from the darkness, And brings the deep darkness into light".
13 - Silence
15- Agreement
13 - Silence
Job states that his friends proverbs are not helpful and that he would prefer their silence and them not pestering him more, incorrectly speaking for God.
14 - Trees
15- Agreement
13 - Silence
Job sees purpose in how a tree will sprout again and reflects on the covering of his sin (which makes him righteous) yet questions man's purpose.
15- Agreement
15- Agreement
Eliphaz reasons that Job is obviously in the wrong to disagree with what all the "wise" agree about Job's situation (God punishing him for sin).
16 - Comforters?
16 - Comforters?
Job responds that his friends are miserable comforters especialy now that his family is gone and his illness is progressing, his friends are his scoffers.
17 - Sorrow
16 - Comforters?
17 - Sorrow
Job laments that he has become despised by men a byword, he finds no comfort in men and looks forward to the grave.
18 - Wicked
16 - Comforters?
17 - Sorrow
Bildad responds and is offended by Job's accusations, and concludes that the wicked get caught in their own snares and get what's coming to them.
19 - Listen
19 - Listen
19 - Listen
Job responds lamenting his "comforters" he knows that his circumstance is not a result of wickedness, he laments that no one listens to him.
20 - Venom
19 - Listen
19 - Listen
Zophar is insulted and inwardly agitated and answers that the triumph of the wicked is short, hidden evill eventually finds us all out like snakes venom.
21 - Thrive
19 - Listen
21 - Thrive
Job sees that the wicked thrive in this world for the foreseeable future yet trusts God to bring about ultimate justice, can anyone teach God?
22 - Stars
21 - Thrive
Eliphaz responds that God is reproving him for his irreverence, and concludes that Job has done evil and that a return to God who put the stars in the sky will result in restoration.
23 - Gold
Job expresses his longing to present his case before God, he values God's word, but God cannot be found, Job fears the presence of God.
24 - Reap
Job sees the lack of justice in this world (exploiting orphans and widows), it appears there is no justice, but trusts God to make all things just.
25 - Worm
26 - Clouds
Bildad responds and sees that with an almighty God the righteousness of man as unattainable, man is but a worm.
26 - Clouds
26 - Clouds
Job rebukes Bildad, he recognizes that God put the clouds and stars in the sky and measured the sea, therefore who can speak for God.
27 - Righteous
Job clings to his righteousness , he affirms his trust in God to justly judge the wicked into the future when they will regret rejecting God.
28 - Wisdom
Job lists the earth's treasures, God has created a vast planet that hides mysteries but the mysteries of His wisdom are harder to find.
29 - Orphans
Job reflects thankfully on his youth and past, he was prominent and ruled justly with mercy to orphans and widows, his steps were bathed in cream.
30 - Mobs
He then reflects on his present miserable state where enemies of God mock him, unruly mobs rule (not justice) and he is in constant nagging pain.
31 - Integrity
31 - Integrity
Job asserts his morality and integrity, he know God sees all and asks to examine himself to find deceit, he shared his food with the orphan.
32 - Elihu
31 - Integrity
Elihu rebukes Job and the other three in anger, he understands the situation and has waited patiently and desperately, he wants to speak for God about Job.
33 - Answer?
Elihu claims to be righteous also like Job and to speak for God, and says God is great in knowledge and wisdom and does not need to answer to man.
34 - Justice
Elihu vindicates God's justice in the way He has treated Job, God is a just rewarder and punisher in all matters, and Job answers like a sinner.
35 - Birds
Elihu states that Job is wrong to even want an answer from God, the clouds and the birds in the sky declare God's glory.
36 - Submission
Elihu continues that no one has enough knowledge to question God about anything, its the godless who nurture anger, be careful in even judging the wicked.
37 - Thunder
God speaks in the thunder and lighting , doing great things that we do not comprehend, he controls the snows, the wnds, and the clouds.
38 - God
God appears in a whirlwind and now asks Job where was he for consultation when he created the earth, put the stars in the sky and measured the sea.
39 - Wildlife
God speaks about the vastness and decency of life on earth from the goat to the soaring eagle which he created and sustains.
40 - Behemoth
Job answers with nothing, God speaks again assuring the proud will be humbled, he points to the powerful behemoth which He created.
41 - Leviathan
God points to the leviathan a great and powerful sea creature that cannot be tamed by man and answers only to God.
42- Confession
Job repents in sack cloth and ashes admitting he had no right to question God, God's wrath is kindled against Job's friends and his wealth family and status are restored when he prayed for his friends.
Esther - Queen (Previous Book)
Esther - Queen (Previous Book)
Esther - Queen (Previous Book)
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Esther - Queen (Previous Book)
Esther - Queen (Previous Book)
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