In exile Nehemiah is visited by a brother from Jerusalem who reports brokenness, in response saddened Nehemiah repents and prays recognizing God's promise from the Law to scatter then reconcile people.
2 - Granted
Nehemiah (the cupbearer for king Artaxerxes ) is granted his petition to return to Jerusalem to rebuild wall, he travels to inspect broken wall.
3 - Rebuild
The people and various sections and districts and gates of the wall that are repaired and rebuilt are recorded
4 - Mockery
Sanballat and other enemies mocked and criticized the Jewish effort to rebuild the wall, a response prayer is recorded, workers would carry weapons while laboring on wall.
5 - Outcry
There was a great outcry of the people because they mortgaged their future in order to eat forcing themselves into slavery, Nehemiah abolishes this practice, (following the Law).
6 - Completion
Sanballat and other enemies tried to trick Nehemiah to meet and kill him, he bravely refuses to take refuge in the temple and completes the wall.
7 - Census
7 - Census
7 - Census
They wait until the sun is hot with much fanfare, each families census of the first returned exiles are organized, recorded and then totaled.
8 - Sukkot
7 - Census
7 - Census
The people gathered and Ezra read the Law from morning until afternoon this day is declared holy and the feast of Booths ( Sukkot) is restored.
9 - Confess
7 - Census
The people gathered to confess their sins in sackcloths, the Levites read a psalm to praise God for deliverence from Egypt, and summarize the history of God's faithfulness to Israel.
10 - Sealed
The document was recorded as signed and sealed by Nehemiah and many others, many of the obligations of the document are disclosed including funding of priesthood.
11 - Jerusalem
Lots were cast so 1 in 10 of the people were to have a representative in Jerusalem, then where people are living both inside and outside of Jerusalem is listed.
12 - Zerubbabel
The priests and Levites who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel are registered, the wall is dedicated, two large choirs proceed to the temple with ceremony.
13 - Reforms
Ezra - Return ( Previous Book)
Ezra - Return ( Previous Book)
Foreigners are excluded Tobiah is expelled the temple is cleansed temple worship is restored including tithes and keeping of the Sabbath
Ezra - Return ( Previous Book)
Ezra - Return ( Previous Book)
Ezra - Return ( Previous Book)
Two decrees by king Cyprus and Artaxerxes mark the return of the restoration of temple worship then a return to covenant violation of the temple worship as in the past.
Esther - Queen (Next Book)
Ezra - Return ( Previous Book)
Esther - Queen (Next Book)
Esther is a beautiful young orphaned Jewish woman who saves the Jewish people from annihilation by schemes of Haman under the rule of Medo Persian king Xerxes during Jewish exile.