Paul and Timothy write to exhort Colossian believers to walk worthy of Jesus the firstborn image of the invisible God who redeemed them.
2 - Triumph
1 - Firstborn
1 - Firstborn
Absent Paul is with them in spirit, they shouldn't follow worldy Jewish traditions only Jesus, He conquered death and this world's system.
3 - New
1 - Firstborn
4 - Devote
Therefore they should live for the new self, live honest, loving and holy for Jesus, not elevate self based on circumcision or the ways of this world, and be subject to all authorities.
4 - Devote
4 - Devote
Devote yourselves to prayer with a good attitude, speak graciously , many of Paul's fellow workers in Jesus will be in contact.
Philippians - Joy (Previous Book)
1 Thessalonians - Return (Next Book)
Paul writes the Philippian believers to assure them of the joy in suffering for the sake of the gospel in prison, and warns against those who elevate self, and attribute physical success for keeping the Law.
1 Thessalonians - Return (Next Book)
1 Thessalonians - Return (Next Book)
Paul tells the Thessalonian believers to endure persecution in holiness because Christ will return to judge countering claims that death ends all and there is no future judgment.