Acts - Apostles - Act Summary - BIBLE SUMMARY WITH ART
1 - Twelve
2 - Pentecost
Luke, the author, writes Theopolis again and explains the purpose of former book (Luke) up to Jesus' ascension into heaven and that Jesus will return the same way, Matthias is chosen as twelfth to replace Judas.
2 - Pentecost
2 - Pentecost
The Holy Spirit descends upon the people miraculously with multi-lingual tongues, Peter preaches Jesus and His rejection by Israel as purpose of the Old testament, 3000 believe.
3 - Prophets
Peter heals lame in Jesus' name and explains from the scriptures (Old Testament) how Israel has rejected their Messiah and must now believe this as the only way to be right with God.
4 - Sanhedrin
Because many Jews are believing, Peter and John are examined before the Jewish court and warned not to preach Jesus as meaning of scriptures (Old Testament), Jewish believers shared goods.
5 - Lied
Husband and wife die for lying to God's apostle Peter about money, Peter and apostles heal many and are tried and flogged for proclaiming Jesus, they rejoice under persecution.
6 - Stephen
Men are appointed by the apostles to handle food distribution, one (Stephen) performs miracles which cause a dissension among Jews who arrest Stephen.
7 - Stoning
7 - Stoning
Stephen stands trial before Sanhedrin and explains from the scriptures how Israel's popular majority historically sinned against God's plan, just as they sin now, they stone Stephen in response.
8 - Simon
7 - Stoning
The church is persecuted, Simon a sorcerer believes the apostles and tries to buy supernatural gifts and is rebuked for this, Philip explains Isaiah to Ethiopan eunuch and he believes in Jesus.
9 - Saul
Saul, a persecutor of believers in Jesus, is converted by Jesus personally, briefly blinded he is accepted by Ananias and preaches Jesus is the Christ, Peter performs many miracles.
10- Cornelius
Righteous Roman Cornelius has vision and summons Peter, en route Peter has vision to eat unclean animals, Peter preaches Jesus and the Holy Spirit is poured out to Gentiles.
11- Christians
Peter recounts vision and events to Jerusalem believers, explains God's inclusion of Gentiles, believers are persecuted and scattered and are first called Christians at Antioch.
12- Unshackled
Peter is imprisoned by Herod and unshackled by an angel between guards, Peter reunites with praying Christians, the guards are ordered killed and Herod is struck dead by God.
13 - Paul
Saul and Barnabas are commissioned and preach Jesus in Cypress, Paul (Saul) pronounces Bar-Jesus blind for his evil, Paul preaches Jesus as point of Old Testament in Pisidian Antioch Synagogue twice, word spreads.
14 - Division
In Iconium some believe but unbelievers plot against Paul, in Lystra after Paul's miracles people wrongly treat Paul and Barnabas as supernatural, Paul survives stoning by unbelieving Jews, then returns to Antioch.
15 - Council
In first Jerusalem council apostles decide to not require circumcision for believing Gentiles, only sexual morality and abstinence from idol meat, which is written in letter sent to Antioch.
16 - Prison
Timothy joins Paul and Silas as they travel and convert Lydia and others to Christianity, in Philipi Paul and Silas are beaten, imprisoned for message and freed miraculously, and the jailer comes to Christ.
17 - Proof
18 - Athens
They travel to Corinth, are taken in by Pricilla and Aquila then Apollos comes to Christ in Ephesus via proof from the scriptures (Old Testament) that Jesus was the Messiah.
18 - Athens
18 - Athens
Paul converts believers in Thesselonica and Berea, in Athens in the midst of statues to their many idols he argues that Jesus is the only true God who came in the flesh, some are saved.
19 - Artemus
The Holy Spirit was poured out and Paul spoke of Jesus in synagogue for months, a silversmith then began a riot to protest Paul's gospel vs. the the goddess Diana's (Artemus) local idol industry.
20 - Wolves
Paul travels to Macedonia and preaches Jesus, one falls to his death and Paul resurrects him, he begins to sail to Jerusalem and warns believers of pending "wolves" (false teachers).
21 - Uproar
22 - Preach
Paul returns to Jerusalem and is received by believers but compels an uproar amongst Jewish mob such that he is beaten, Roman authorities step in.
22 - Preach
22 - Preach
Paul uses arrest as opportunity to preach the gospel to Jews, his message is rejected and his Roman citizenship is asserted to avoid flogging.
23 - Dissension
As Paul stands before high priest a dissension arises and Romans step in to keep order, the Jews conspire to kill Paul so he is snuck out by Roman forces to Ceasarea.
24 - Felix
Paul is detained and stands trial for divisive actions under governor Felix he preaches Jesus as the point of the Law.
25 - Agrippa
25 - Agrippa
The Jews want to try and kill Paul in Jerusalem but Paul appeals to Caesar, King Agrippa visits Festus, Paul's case is examined by them.
26 - Defense
25 - Agrippa
In chains Paul makes his defense before Agrippa to tell of his transformation and of Jesus raised from the dead as the fulfillment of scriptures and the hope of all mankind.
27 - Shipwreck
Imprisoned Paul sets sail for Caesar in Rome, they encounter a storm, an angel visits Paul and promises his future shipwreck with all surviving, then this happens.
28 - Rejection
Paul leaves Malta and argues to Jewish leaders in Rome from scripture that Jesus is Israel's hope, he quotes Isaiahs' rejection passage in parting.