King Xerses ruler of Medo Persian throws a banquet and wants his beautiful wife in crown to entertain, she refuses and is deposed by the king to keep order, a decree is set to find new queen.
2 - Beauty
1 - Vashti
1 - Vashti
Esther is a beautiful girl who the king likes above all others, she receives the queens crown and keeps her Jewish heritge secret, Mordecai (Esther's adopted father) uncovers plot to kill king.
3 - Haman
1 - Vashti
3 - Haman
Haman is honored by king Xerses and Haman requires all to kneel before king, but Modecai the Jew won't kneel, Haman in response begins a deceptive plot to kill all Jews by getting the king to sign a decree.
4 - Plot
3 - Haman
Mordecai learns of this plot and tells Esther to request asylum from king, she realizes this could be a fatal request and asks Jews to fast for preparation.
5 - Banquet
Esther invites Haman to a banquet with the king, Haman is very proud about his inclusion , Haman's wife instructs Haman to build higher gallows to hang Mordecai.
6 - Honor
The sleepless king recalls Mordecai's loyalty and asks in passing Haman how to properly honor someone, Haman elaborates (assuming honor is his) but then must honor Mordecai as he instructed.
7 - Plea
7 - Plea
7 - Plea
Esther has the banquet including the king, Haman and others and then exposes Haman's plot to kill the Jews, Haman's scheme backfires and he is hung on the gallows he built for Modecai.
8 - Ring
7 - Plea
7 - Plea
The relationaship between Mordecai and Esther is revealed and the king gives Mordecai signet ring authority which saves Jews and gives them universal rights against their enemies throughout kingdom.
9 - Purim
7 - Plea
10 - Mordecai
This decree allows the Jews to reverse the previous decree and destroy the sons of Haman and all their enemies and survive, a feast of Purim is instituted to commemorate this.
10 - Mordecai
Nehemiah - Wall (Previous Book)
10 - Mordecai
King Xerxes established a tax to honor and fully account for the greatness of Mordecai as second only to the king.
Nehemiah - Wall (Previous Book)
Nehemiah - Wall (Previous Book)
Nehemiah - Wall (Previous Book)
The rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem is detailed and described this leads to the worship being compromised by the mixing with gentile worship practices.
Job - Sovereignty (Next Book)
Nehemiah - Wall (Previous Book)
Nehemiah - Wall (Previous Book)
Righteous Job faces hardships and 3 friends conclude Job is somehow wrong in an attempt to speak for God in error, then Elihu and God himself appear to Job to explain God's ways are beyond explanations of man and must be trusted.