Luke - Freedom - Luke Summary -BIBLE SUMMARY WITH ART
1 - John
Old Priest Zacharias is visited by the angel Gabriel with news of pending birth of son John, then young virgin Mary is visited by Gabriel with news of her bearing Messiah, both Mary and Zacharias praise God with song.
2 - Birth
Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem for census and Jesus is born there in humble circumstances as angels rejoice, He is presented at temple verified by Simeon, and raised in accordance with the Law, as a boy He stays in Temple for Passover feast
3 - Voice
John the Baptist points to himself from Isaiah as the prophet to proceed Messiah, he preaches and baptizes Jesus, the genealogy is given from Adam to Joseph (Mary's line).
4 - Fulfillment
Jesus stands against the devil's temptation after 40 day fast, He reads and fulfills a portion of Isaiah in the synagogue, He heals many and casts out demons in Galilee.
5 - Calling
5 - Calling
Jesus calls Simon with miraculous instruction to catch numerous fish, he forgives paralytic's sins before he proves His authority and heals him, heals leper and calls and feasts with tax collector Matthew, all of which bother the Pharisees.
6 - Rock
5 - Calling
Jesus eats grain and heals on Sabbath countering Pharisees, He explains God's standard is perfect and holy and all who act upon Jesus' words (ask for imputed righteousness by belief) are founded on the rock, not doomed.
7 - Forgiveness
7 - Forgiveness
Jesus heals Centurion servant remotely, He explains John the Baptist's role as prophet to precede Messiah, He forgives the gentile woman's sins to the disapproval of His Pharisee dinner host.
8 - Miracles
7 - Forgiveness
Jesus tells and explains the parable of the sower and the seed, and then tells the parable of the lamp, He calms the storm, casts out demons and performs miracles and raises the dead.
9 - Transfiguration
Jesus sends out the twelve to declare God's kingdom over demons, He miraculously feeds 5000, He transfigures with Moses and Elijah, explains that greatness requires serving others.
10 - Neighbor
Jesus authorizes and sends out 70, He tells the parable of the good Samaritan in response to lawyer's question about who is neighbor, Mary and Martha meet Jesus.
11 - Ask
11 - Ask
Jesus instructs the disciples with the Lord's prayer and God's giving character (simply ask to receive imputed righteousness), He gives this generation only the sign of Jonah, and he declares woes upon Pharisees and lawyers.
12 - Divider
12 - Divider
Jesus warns against the false teachings of the Pharisees and of pending thorough judgment, He denounces living for possessions, He warns people to be ready and that He is the divider for all people.
13- Door
12 - Divider
Jesus calls hearers to repent, tells fig tree and mustard seed parable, He heals a woman on the Sabbath, He teaches that believing in Himself is the narrow door but all others will not be accepted by God.
14 - Humility
14 - Humility
Jesus heals on Sabbath, teaches in parables that the kingdom will host the poor and downtrodden because they perceive low status, parable of tower warns against inadequate righteousness (self) before God.
15 - Prodigal
14 - Humility
Jesus responds to Pharisees' grumbling by telling parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son, explaining God 's response to reconcile with lost sinners (Israel).
16 - Lazarus
Jesus tells parable about shrewd servant who cancels present debt to better his future, then tells parable of rich man and Lazarus to warn of eternal drastic change in status (heaven or hell).
17 - Lepers
A servant's attitude is explained, Jesus heals 10 lepers only one returns to give thanks, He warns that His future return in judgment will be like judgment of Sodom.
18 - Prayer
19 - Triumph
Jesus teaches parable on persistent prayers, explains how sinful humble publican is justified, while proud "good" Pharisee isn't, explains salvation under the law to rich young ruler, foretells suffering, heals blind man.
19 - Triumph
19 - Triumph
Tax collector Zacchaeus gladly receives Jesus, parable of the mina tells people to value mina (message) to be rewarded upon king's return, Jesus triumphantly returns to Jerusalem and drives out money changers in temple.
20 - Authorized
Jesus parallels his authority to John's baptism, tells parable of vine grower to foretell His rejection by Israel, He acknowledges God's authority and Caesar's, and defends bodily resurrection as different.
21 - Return
23 - Crucifixion
Jesus designates widow's mite as valuable, He warns of calamity to accompany end of time of gentiles, and instructs all to be on guard and prepare for His return by not being consumed by worries of life.
22 - Garden
23 - Crucifixion
23 - Crucifixion
Jesus prepares last supper during Passover feast and instructs the disciples as they argue over who will be greatest, Jesus prays in agony in garden, Peter denies Jesus as prophesied while Jesus is accused falsely.
23 - Crucifixion
23 - Crucifixion
23 - Crucifixion
Jesus stands before Pilate not guilty then is mocked before Herod then goes back to Pilate who orders crucifixion to placate Jews, Jesus is crucified with two criminals one believes in Him, then Jesus dies and is buried by Joseph.
24- Emmaus
The stone from the tomb is rolled away, Jesus is resurrected, Jesus explains Himself from the prophets, Moses, and Psalms to two disciples who don't recognize him on road to Emmaus, Jesus ascends into heaven.
Jesus the servant of God comes to deliver Israel from Satan's dominion, He is rejected dies for the sins of this world, is raised again, He trains the disciples to carry forth the good news of the gospel as His act of service to all.
John - Signs (Next Book)
John - Signs (Next Book)
John gives the reader signs (partial fulfilmments) to prove that Jesus is the fulfillment and entire point of Old Testament , the New Moses (Deuteronomy 18) , the lamb of God who dies to take away the sins of the world.