As the Jewish people become mighty Pharaoh becomes fearful and orders that all Jewish boys are to be killed but the Jewish midwives disobey this order because they fear God.
2 - Moses
A baby from the house of Levi (Moses) was found hidden in reeds by the Nile and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, when grown he killed an Egyptian in rage and had to flee to Midian where he started a family.
3 - Bush
4 - Staff
God appears to Moses in a burning bush and commands him to return to Egypt to free all his people (Hebrews) from bondage, God prophesied to Moses details of how this will occur in the future.
4 - Staff
4 - Staff
God demonstrates to a wavering reluctant Moses that he will posses God's powers by sign miracles, Aaron (Moses' eloquent brother) joins Moses' return to Egypt to free Hebrews.
5 - Labors
Moses and Aaron appear before Pharaoh and deliver God's message to free all Hebrews, Pharaoh doesn't comply and responds by increasing the labors and affliction of the Hebrew slaves.
6 - Repeat
God repeats His covenant and promises to Moses, the people of Israel are not supportive of Moses now because of added labor, all the families of the tribes of Israel are accounted for.
7 - Blood
7 - Blood
Moses and Aaron appear before Pharaoh and perform staff to snake miracles to demand release of Hebrews, they turn the water of the Nile to blood, Pharaoh refuses, his magicians also do these miracles.
8 - Gnats
7 - Blood
Moses repeats demand to “Let my people go” numerous frogs are sent by God Pharaoh submits then frogs are removed then Pharaoh's heart hardened so God sends gnats and flies to afflict Egyptians, Pharaoh's magicians can replicate frogs but not gnats and flies.
9 - Plagues
Moses repeats demand, Pharaoh's heart is again hardened so the Lord sends the plagues of death to cattle then painful boils and then hail, Pharaoh admits sin before God asks Moses for relief and it is granted.
10 - Locusts
10 - Locusts
Moses repeats demand to “Let my people go” numerous locusts are sent by God Pharaoh submits they are removed then Pharaoh's heart hardened so God sends darkness.
11 - Midnight
10 - Locusts
11 - Midnight
The Lord tells Moses details surrounding the final plague where the firstborn of man and animals of the Egyptians will be killed.
12 - Passover
10 - Locusts
11 - Midnight
Details of the first Passover feast are spelled out, at midnight the Lord strikes the Egyptian firstborn and all not under doorpost blood, they send out the Israelites with gold and silver.
13 - Firstborn
13 - Firstborn
13 - Firstborn
From this point on the firstborn are to be set aside for the Lord, the Lord leads the people with a cloud by day and fire by night.
14 - Pursuit
13 - Firstborn
13 - Firstborn
Pharaoh changed his mind and chased after the Israelites with a large army, Moses stretched out his staff and parted the Red Sea so the Israelites escaped and then Moses closes the water and destroys Pharaoh's army.
15- Song
13 - Firstborn
16 - Manna
Moses and the Israelites compose and sing a song to praise and worship God in conquering the Egyptians, God provides sources of water in the wilderness.
16 - Manna
18 - Structure
16 - Manna
The Lord began providing bread from heaven in the morning and meat in the evening, details are explained about how to gather these as they relate to the Sabbath (a day set apart for God).
17 - Water
18 - Structure
18 - Structure
God commands Moses to strike a rock at Horeb to provide water for the people, Amalek fought against Israel and when Moses held his hands up they would win and if he dropped his hands they lose.
18 - Structure
18 - Structure
18 - Structure
Jethro (Moses' father in law) rejoins Moses and counsels him to delegate and organize Moses' authority and management of Israel.
19 - Sinai
21 - Justice
19 - Sinai
Moses tells the elders what God had told him regarding boundaries, Moses speaks to God on Mt. Sinai covered in fire, smoke, with quaking and trumpets.
20 - Ten
21 - Justice
19 - Sinai
God tells Moses the ten commandments: no other gods, no idols, no using God's name in vain, holy Sabbath, honor parents, no murder, adultery, stealing, lying, or coveting , an altar is made there.
21 - Justice
21 - Justice
God details ordinances for owning slaves, personal injuries and the proper way to handle problems, conflicts, and accidents that will arise.
22 - Property
22 - Property
Property rights are spelled out in the event of theft, borrowing , accidents, fire and dowries, with details of restitution.
23 - Conquest
22 - Property
23 - Conquest
Details of justice within the law are explained, land use on the Sabbath year, and three national holidays, then God tells of a coming angel to deliver Canaan to them.
24 - Cloud
22 - Property
23 - Conquest
The people promise with sacrifice to follow the law, Moses goes up onto the cloud on Mt. Sinai for 40 days to receive the Law on tablets.
25 - Sanctuary
25 - Sanctuary
25 - Sanctuary
God tells Moses to collect items from the people to build a sanctuary, including details about the ark of the covenant, the table of showbread and golden lampstand.
26 - Curtains
25 - Sanctuary
25 - Sanctuary
The size, materials, colors and other details of the curtains surrounding the tabernacle are given, with special attention given to the curtain or veil separating the ark of the covenant..
27 - Court
25 - Sanctuary
27 - Court
The details of the bronze altar are spelled out, and the decoration and pillars in the court are detailed, the sons of Aaron shall keep it in order.
28 - Ephod
27 - Court
The garments of the priests are explained the size, materials, gemstones and breastplate are detailed.
29 - Consecration
The priests (Aaron's sons) are to be consecrated with the sacrifice of animals with the organs separated and placed in various manners as a soothing aroma to the Lord.
30 - Fragrance
The altar of incense is to be in the holy place with a specific anointing oil incense and perfume only to be used perpetually by priests never layman as a sweet fragrance holy to the Lord.
31 - Sabbath
The Lord chose some from the tribe of Judah to be skilled craftsmen, the Sabbath is to be a day of rest for the people.
32 - Calf
When Moses delayed with God, the people and Aaron made a golden calf for worship, Moses shatters God's tablets and kills many to purge rebelliousness.
33 - Tent
34 - Tablets
When Moses enters the Tabernacle a cloud would descend and he would intercede for the people, Moses wanted to see God's glory and saw a glimpse of God's back.
34 - Tablets
36 - Construction
34 - Tablets
The two stone tablets are replaced, God repeats His covenant promises to Moses, his face was shiny after spending time with God.
35 - Workmen
36 - Construction
36 - Construction
Moses commands the people about keeping the Sabbath holy, Moses calls out all the skilled craftsmen and workmen to do the work building the tabernacle as an offering to God.
36 - Construction
36 - Construction
36 - Construction
Skilled workers build the tabernacle and all the items with precise numbers, materials, shapes and colors spelled out as God revealed to Moses.
37 - Bezalel
Bezalel made the ark covered in gold and also the lampstand made out of pure gold and the altar of incense.
38 - Completion
All of the articles of the tabernacle were completed, and the amounts of gold and other fine materials and all the people who passed by were accounted for.
39 - Priesthood
39 - Priesthood
The priests began to perform as God had instructed Moses, the priests dressed in the colorful specified manner revealed.
40 - Glory
Leviticus - Sacrifices (next book)
39 - Priesthood
The tabernacle was erected on the first day of the first month of the second year and the glory of the Lord resided there in the form of a cloud.
Genesis - God (previous book)
Leviticus - Sacrifices (next book)
Leviticus - Sacrifices (next book)
God created everything good in a garden paradise, mankind was to represent God, man failed, so God begins the redemptive process through the promise of seed to come from the promised nation of the family of Abraham.
Leviticus - Sacrifices (next book)
Leviticus - Sacrifices (next book)
Leviticus - Sacrifices (next book)
God reveals more of His character through the law that covers relevant details of justice and mercy for life then including a sacrificial system of animals to cover sins.
John 5:46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.