God commanded Moses to count every male over the age of 20 including one leader from all 12 tribes of Israel except for the Levites, these numbers are recorded.
2 - Encampment
Each of the 12 tribes was to camp in a specific orientation (north, south, east or west) in relation to the tabernacle, the total number is 603,550 people .
3 - Priesthood
3 - Priesthood
The Levites are to number each firstborn male they are to be set aside for the Lord, different families have different responsibilities regarding care of the tabernacle.
4 - Upkeep
3 - Priesthood
The desendants of Kohath are to be numbered and take care of various tabernacle duties, the Gershonites and Merarites have differing responsibilities.
5 - Defilement
If a man suspects his wife of adultery without witness she is to drink holy water in the tabernacle and will be defiled and kicked out of camp if she is guilty, and fertile if she is innocent.
6- Nazarite
The Nazarite vow is a special vow taken before God and details are layed out about how they are to have no alcohol, not cut hair and not touch any dead body , then Aaron's bendiction is recorded.
7 - Offerings
7 - Offerings
Leaders from all 12 tribes make an orderly offering to God one day at a time for twelve days to the tabernacle after it had been consecrated and anointed.
8 - Levites
7 - Offerings
The Levites were to be cleansed and purified in a specific manner involving shaving and purification water rituals, they were to retire at 50.
9 - Passover
Specific details are described about observance of the Passover feast, a cloud covered the tabernacle by day and a fire by night.
10 - Move
Two silver trumpets are to be used to assemble the people periodically, the people of Israel begin the process of moving from Sinai preceded by the ark.
11 - Complaint
11 - Complaint
Some Israelites complained about manna, Moses complains and speaks to God on the people's behalf, Moses appoints 70 and God provides quail for the people and God plagues the people.
12 - Miriam
11 - Complaint
Miriam ( Moses' sister) and Aaron complain to Moses that God only speaks to Moses, so God speaks in anger and inflicts Miriam with leprosy for seven days.
13 - Spies
14 - Grumble
God tells Moses to send out 12 spies one from each tribe to scout Canaan, they concluded (except Caleb and Joshua) the land was nice but the people were too big and unconquerable.
14 - Grumble
14 - Grumble
The people grumble against God & Moses, Moses intercedes and God pardons them but banishes this generation from the land. the people then rebel and fight the Canaanites anyway, they lose mightily.
15 - Canaan
God speaks to Moses and tells him what kind of sacrifices to make upon entry to Canaan, how a sojourner is to sacrifice, a man is executed for gathering wood on the Sabbath.
16 - Rebellion
Korah and others rebel against Moses, God opened the earth and consumed them by the hundreds, the next day many grumbled against Moses again and God's ensuing plague killed another 14,700, Moses intercedes to save many.
17- Budded
Moses collected and marked rods from each of the twelve tribes and Aaron's rod budded, this rod was saved in the tabernacle as a sign against future rebellions.
18- Priesthood
The duties and obligations of priesthood are appointed to Levites , they don't have a land inheritance like other tribes they receive tithes.
19 - Unclean
19 - Unclean
The people are to bring Moses an unblemished red heifer to be sacrificed in a prescribed manner, cleanliness as it relates to exposure to dead bodies is detailed.
20 - Strike
19 - Unclean
After Miriam's death the people complained for lack of water, Moses twice struck the rock in Meribah, Edom does not allow the passage of Jews, Aaron dies.
21 - Serpent
21 - Serpent
After complaining God sends serpents to judge people, God tells Moses to build bronze serpent, looking at bronze serpent saves one's life, Amorite king forbids Israelites passage, he and others are conquered.
22 - Donkey
21 - Serpent
Fearful wicked Moab king Balak hires Balaam to curse Israel, God speaks to Balaam and allows him to only speak God's words, then Balaam's donkey sees an angel and speaks and saves Balaam from improper passage.
23 - Balaam
23 - Balaam
Balaam meets with Balak several times he requires 7 altars and sacrifices, each time Balak intends to curse Israel but Balaam blesses Israel as commanded by God.
24 - Balak
23 - Balaam
Balak 's anger burned against Balaam, he hired Balaam to curse Israel, Balaam insisted he could only do what God permits him and each time Balaam blesses Israel, they part ways.
25 - Phinehas
26 - Numbering
The Israelites begin to worship Moab idols triggering God's wrath requiring public executions, Phinehas, (later blessed by God) executes Israelite man and Moabite woman at tent edge with one spear, this stops plague.
26 - Numbering
26 - Numbering
A census of a new generation of all tribes (everyone over 20) is commanded by God totaling 601,730, this excludes the Levites who receive no land inheritance.
27 - Inheritance
The daughters of descendants of Joseph appeal to Moses that their fathers had no sons and that they deserve inheritance, God agrees, the Lord speaks to Moses and appoints Joshua to lead after Moses .
28 - Continual
Details of laws for offerings unblemished male lamb perpetually, one in the morning and one at twilight including different monthly grain offerings.
29- Seventh
The seventh month is to be treated specially with differing specialized offerings, an unblemished male is to be sacrificed various days this month.
30 - Vows
Every vow taken before God is binding and must be fulfilled, a father or husband has authority over a woman's vows .
31 - Midian
32 - Pastures
32 - Pastures
God ordains 1000 from each tribe to take vengeance and kill Midianites, all are to be killed except virgin girls, the booty is accounted for with a portion going to God.
32 - Pastures
32 - Pastures
32 - Pastures
Descendants of Reuben and Gad desire fertile pasture land and agree to war for these lands across the river Jordan , Moses warns not to repeat Kadesh-Barnea.
33 - Summary
32 - Pastures
34 - Apportioning
The journey of the Israelites from Egypt up to present are reviewed with geographic locations and highlights culminating in God's promise of the land of Canaan.
34 - Apportioning
34 - Apportioning
The land of Canaan is apportioned by God, all boundaries are layed out and one man from each of the 12 tribes are authorized apportioners.
35 - Refuge
Six cities of refuge are to be given to the Levites included some pasture land, these are to be safe havens (safe from avengers of unintentional manslaughter).
36- Daughters
Inheritance laws are established for when different tribes intermarry and what then happens to the land of the correlating sons and the daughters.
Leviticus - Sacrifices (previous book)
God reveals more of His character through the law that covers relevant details of justice and mercy for life then including a sacrificial system of animals to cover sins.
Deuteronomy - Law (next book)
This new generation is given the land so God repeats His character to them in the law including prophesies of their failure in the future and ultimate promises of final reconciliation for the nation.
Numbers- Fear
Number Summary
Sum Bible Bible Summary The Book of Numbers Summary Every Book Every Chapter One Word One Sentence.
Matthew 10:28 Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.